♡ - a classic recreation of neopets. has a small, very friendly and tight knit community that's very welcoming to new players! much more laid back than og neopets and other recreations.
♡ luckylapine - a cute rabbit and cavy breeding and showing sim. also has a friendly, welcoming community! the art is adorable and your bunnies and guinea pigs (and soon rats!) don't age up until you log in for the day.
♡ pixel cat's end - run a little village of pixel not-cats! has so much fun customization, both for your not-cats and their village. it's like playing with a paper dollhouse!
♡ goatlings - goat pet sim. feed and play with your goatlings, then explore and battle enemies with them to collect cute items and clothes for your avatar!
♡ mweor - fantasy cat breeding sim. has a very fun dress-up system for your mweors, and you can also go exploring and battling with them. a site rewrite is incoming!
♡ cookie clicker
♡ little alchemy 2 - combine elements
♡ tamajoji - browser based tamagotchi
♡ crochet for absolute beginners, pt. 1 - teaches slip knots and single stitch
♡ crochet for absolute beginners, pt. 2 - teaches double stitch, half double stitch, and triple stitch
♡ how to crochet a granny square
♡ how to make a perfect magic ring
♡ how to knit the knit stitch (garter stitch)
♡ how to knit the purl stitch (stockinette stitch)
♡ ravelry - has tons of free patterns!
♡ emulators - vimm's lair
♡ roms - vimm's lair (some nintendo and ea roms have been taken down)
♡ more roms - from r/roms
♡ torrenting and internet safety
♡ internet archive
♡ openlibrary - run by the internet archive
♡ wayback machine - save everything!!
♡ flashpoint archive - archive of flash games and animations
♡ referenceangle - find references of people's faces
♡ x6ud - find references of animals' faces
♡ adorkastock - pose references
♡ more adorkastock!
♡ reverse dictionary - enter a word, phrase, description, or pattern to find synonyms, related words, and more
♡ fey glen - rabbit genetics
♡ mink hollow - more rabbit genetics
♡ hack your 3ds
♡ - bypass paywalls
♡ pmdcollab - custom PMD sprites
♡ project pokemon - pokemon romhacks and tools
♡ diy hrt - trans your gender. do it.
♡ mrblinky - tamagotchi pix qr codes
♡ virustotal - scan your files
♡ mymeets - program to send items and gotchi points to your tama meets/on
♡ webmeets - browser-based mymeets